Memory Tank


Unity Demo, mid-2014

This experiment in neon was part of a week-long jam, and though it may not have been a home run, it was a nice chance to play with some different procedural generation tricks while experimenting with some rather surreal enemy designs. As a jam game, it was able to be extremely loose and unapologetically imperfect, and as a result it feels like more of an abstract work, instead of a mixed bag like some of my other early Unity work

Initially, there would have been a loose plot involving a VR app used to dive into the subconscious of wealthy clients and remove unwanted memories – but it ultimately felt out-of-step with the game’s look and feel, which was better left vague. The bold look here is not only striking but pretty low-cost, and I’ve often thought about returning to this approach in a more focused future project.

Memory Tank (Rough Demo)




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